
标准光 ?



QSFP-DD光 ?,QSFP-DD光纤 ?,QSFP-DD 200G光 ?,QSFP-DD 200G光纤 ?,QSFP-DD 400G光 ?,QSFP-DD 400G光纤 ?;目前QSFP28光 ?橛兴母龅缤ǖ,每通道运行速率为10Gbps或25Gbps,支持40G和100G以太网应用 。新建立的QSFP-DD小组计划将通道数增加到八个,通过NRZ调制使每通道运行速率上达25Gbps或通过PAM4调制每通道运行速率上达50Gbps,从而支持200Gbps或400Gbps光传输 。该MSA小组体现,在400Gbps传输速率下,该QSFP-DD封装能让简单交换机插槽的汇总带宽抵达14.4zbps,能满足快速增长的数据中心流量增长 。

P/NProduct DescriptionData Rate (Gbit/s)ReachTXRXPower ConsumptionTemperature (deg C)
FT-QSFPDD-AOC-xxx 400G QSFP-DD AOC 400G 30m VCSEL PIN <9W (for each end) 0-70/-40~85可选
FT-QSFPDD-SR8 400G QSFP-DD SR8 400G 100m VCSEL PIN <9W 0-70/-40~85可选
FT-QSFPDD-DR4 400G QSFP-DD DR4 400G 500m Uncooled EML PIN <10W 0-70/-40~85可选
FT-QSFPDD-FR4 400G QSFP-DD FR4 400G 2km Uncooled EML PIN <10W 0-70/-40~85可选
FT-QSFPDD-LR8 400G QSFP-DD LR8 400G 10km Cooled EML PIN <13W 0-70/-40~85可选
FT-QSFPDD-ER8 400G QSFP-DD ER8 400G 40KM coming soon coming soon coming soon 0-70/-40~85可选
FT-QSFPDD-ZR8 400G QSFP-DD ZR8 400G 80KM coming soon coming soon coming soon 0-70/-40~85可选


 400G QSFP-DD 70m/100m Optical Transceiver

400G QSFP-DD 70m/100m Optical Transceiver

400G QSFP-DD 70m/100m Optical Transceiver

Product Description
F-tone Networks’s QSFP-DD transceiver module is designed for use in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links over 70m OM3 or 100m OM4 fiber. The module has 8 independent electrical input/output channels operating at 53.125Gbps per channel. This transceiver consists of two transmitter/receiver units, with each operating on 850nm wavelength.

 400G QSFP-DD to 8x 50G SFP56 AOCOC

400G QSFP-DD to 8x 50G SFP56 AOCOC

400G QSFP-DD to 8x 50G SFP56 AOCOC

设计为2x200G以太网200G-SR4到8X50G以太网50G-SR互连多个850nm多模光纤 。




100G-QSFP28-12 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100GBASE-LR4 QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber with four independent optical communication lanes, separated from each other using LAN WDM technology. 




100G-QSFP28-102 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100GBASE-PSM4/IR4 QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver designed for operation over single-mode optical fiber. 




100G-QSFP28-2.1 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber. Module adopts CWDM MUX/DEMUX technology with central wavelength of the lanes at: 1271, 1291, 1311, 1331 nm.




100G-QSFP28-2.1 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber. Module adopts CWDM MUX/DEMUX technology with central wavelength of the lanes at: 1271, 1291, 1311, 1331 nm.




100G-QSFP28-20 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100GBASE-LR4 QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber with four independent optical communication lanes, separated from each other using LAN WDM technology.




100G-QSFP28-40 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100GBASE-ER4 Lite QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber with four independent optical communication lanes, separated from each other using LAN WDM technology. 




100G-QSFP28-40 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100GBASE-ER4 Lite QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber with four independent optical communication lanes, separated from each other using LAN WDM technology.




100G-QSFP28-80 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100GBASE-ZR4 QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber with four independent optical communication lanes, separated from each other using LAN WDM technology. 




100G-QSFP28-SL2 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100G-FR Single Lambda PAM4 QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber.




100G-QSFP28-SL500 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 100G-DR Single Lambda PAM4 QSFP28 (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable 28) Transceiver, operating over pair of single-mode optical fiber. 




F-tone Networks QSFP-DD product family is designed based on dual polarization quadrature phase shift keying (DP-QPSK) or dual polarization quadrature amplitude modulation (DP-16QAM) or probabilistic constellation shaping quadrature amplitude modulation (PCS-16QAM), supporting extended C-band, polarization diversity coherent detection and advanced electronic link equalization. 




设计用于多个850nm多模光纤上的2x 100G以太网100GABSE-SR4互连 。

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

200G QSFP-DD PSM8 10km

200G QSFP-DD PSM8 10km

尊龙凯时人生就是搏(F-tone Networks)200G QSFP-DD PSM8光 ?樽ㄎ喔龅ツ9庀松系2x100G以太网PSM4链路而设计,支持使用1310nm波长传输距离达10km 。

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

200G QSFP-DD PSM8 2km

200G QSFP-DD PSM8 2km

尊龙凯时人生就是搏200G QSFP-DD PSM8(双PSM4) ?樵诿扛銎蛏霞闪8个数据通道 。每条车道的运行速度为25.78Gbps,最高可达G.652 SMF的2km 。它设计用于使用标称波长为1310nm的单模光纤系统 。电气接口使用76触点边沿型连接器 。光接口使用24光纤MTP / MPO连接器 。该 ?榻幽蒅igalight成熟的电路和光学技术,可提供可靠的长寿命,高性能和一致的效劳 。

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

200G QSFP-DD SR8 100m

200G QSFP-DD SR8 100m

尊龙凯时人生就是搏(F-tone Networks)200G QSFP-DD SR8 100m专为200G以太网2x 100GBASE-SR4链路而设计,可连接多个850nm多模光纤 。

200G QSFP-DD SR8 TO 2x100GBASE QSFP28 SR4 Breakout Active Optical Cable

200G QSFP-DD SR8 TO 2x100GBASE QSFP28 SR4 Breakout Active Optical Cable

200G QSFP-DD SR8 TO 2x100GBASE QSFP28 SR4 Breakout Active Optical Cable

200G QSFP-DD to 2x 100G QSFP28 SR4 AOC

200G QSFP-DD to 2x 100G QSFP28 SR4 AOC

200G QSFP-DD to 2x 100G QSFP28 SR4 AOC

200G QSFPDD至2x100G QSFP28分支有源光缆专为短距离多通道数据通信和互连应用而设计 。 它在每个偏向上集成了8个数据通道,带宽为8x25.78125Gbps 。 每条通道OM3 MMF上最大链路长度为70米,OM4 MMF上最长链路长度为100米 。

200G QSFP-DD to 2x100G QSFP28 Breakout DAC, Passive, 0.5~2meters

200G QSFP-DD to 2x100G QSFP28 Breakout DAC, Passive, 0.5~2meters

200G QSFP-DD to 2x100G QSFP28 Breakout DAC, Passive, 0.5~2meters

200G QSFP-DD to 2x100G QSFP28 Passive Direct Attach Copper Breakout Cable application is "break-out" DAC assembly which is a hybrid transition from a QSFP-DD on one terminal to two individual QSFP28 on the other. 

200G QSFP-DD to 4x 50G QSFP28 AOC

200G QSFP-DD to 4x 50G QSFP28 AOC

200G QSFP-DD to 4x 50G QSFP28 AOC

设计用于2x100G以太网100GbASE-SR4到4x50G在多个850nm多模光纤上的互连 。

200G QSFP-DD to 8x25G SFP28 Breakout DAC, Passive, 1~2meters

200G QSFP-DD to 8x25G SFP28 Breakout DAC, Passive, 1~2meters

200G QSFP-DD to 8x25G SFP28 Breakout DAC, Passive, 1~2meters

200G QSFP-DD to 8x25G SFP28 Passive Direct Attach Copper Breakout Cable application is "break-out" DAC assembly which is a hybrid transition from a QSFP-DD on one terminal to eight individual SFP28 on the other. 

200G QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD DAC, Passive, 0.5~3 meters

200G QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD DAC, Passive, 0.5~3 meters

200G QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD DAC, Passive, 0.5~3 meters

200G QSFP-DD DAC cables are suitable for very short links and offer a cost-effective way to establish a 200-Gigabit link between QSFP-DD ports of switches/routers within racks and across adjacent racks.

200G QSFP-DD光?

200G QSFP-DD光 ?

200G QSFP-DD光 ?

尊龙凯时人生就是搏200G PAM4 LR4和ER4 ?樯杓朴τ糜5G中传和回传 。它们接纳QSFP-DD尺寸和LC连接器,并切合QSFP-DD MSA标准 。

200Gb/s QSFP DD PSM8 10km Optical Transceiver

200Gb/s QSFP DD PSM8 10km Optical Transceiver

200Gb/s QSFP DD PSM8 10km Optical Transceiver

200Gb/s QSFP DD PSM8 2km Optical Transceiver

200Gb/s QSFP DD PSM8 2km Optical Transceiver

200Gb/s QSFP DD PSM8 2km Optical Transceiver

2x100G QSFP28-DD

2x100G QSFP28-DD

2x100G QSFP28-DD

F-tone Networks’s QSFP-DD 2x100G are having 8x25G optical lanes operating at NRZ encoding. They are compliant with the QSFP-DD MSA. Digital diagnostics functions are available via the I2C interface, as specified by the QSFP-DD MSA.




2x100G-QDD-10 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 2x100GBASE-LR4 QSFP28-DD (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable Double Density) Transceiver designed for operation over single-mode optical fiber. 2x100G LR4 has a QSFP-DD form factor which supports eight electrical interface lanes which can operate in 25G NRZ encoding mode resulting in 200G (8x25G) data rate. 




2x100G-QDD-100 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP28-DD (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable Double Density) Transceiver designed for operation over multi-mode optical fiber. 2x100G SR4 has a QSFP-DD form factor which supports eight electrical interface lanes which can operate in 25G NRZ encoding mode resulting in 200G (8x25G) data rate. 




2x100G-QDD-2.1 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible 2x100G CWDM4 QSFP28-DD (Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable Double Density) Transceiver designed for operation over single-mode optical fiber. 2x100G CWDM4 has a QSFP-DD form factor which supports eight electrical interface lanes which can operate in 25G NRZ encoding mode resulting in 200G (8x25G) data rate. 

2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP DD Optical Transceiver

2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP DD Optical Transceiver

2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP DD Optical Transceiver

2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable

2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable

2x100GBASE-SR4 QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable

400 G QSFP-DD to (4) 100G QSFP56 Passive Copper DAC Cable 0.5~3 meter

400 G QSFP-DD to (4) 100G QSFP56 Passive Copper DAC Cable 0.5~3 meter

400 G QSFP-DD to (4) 100G QSFP56 Passive Copper DAC Cable 0.5~3 meter

  • Compliant with QSFP DD MSA Specification Rev 3.0
  • SFF‐8679 electrical interface compliant
  • SFF‐8636 management interface support

400G 100m QSFP-DD SR8 Transceiver

400G 100m QSFP-DD SR8 Transceiver

400G 100m QSFP-DD SR8 Transceiver

FTQD-4H-SR8 QSFP-DD SR8 transceivers are designed for use in 400Gb/s links over multimode fiber. They integrates eight channel VCSEL array and eight channel PIN photodiode array, the module can operate at 425Gb/s up to 70m using OM3 or 100m using OM4 and OM5 MMF.

400G 10km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 10km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 10km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

Product Description
F-tone Networks’s QSFP-DD 4*100Gbps transceiver module is designed for optical communication applications in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links over 10km single mode fiber. This product converts 8 channels of 50Gbps (PAM4) electrical input data to 4 channels of 100Gbps (PAM4) CWDM optical signals. 

400G 120km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 120km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 120km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

Product Description
F-tone Networks's QSFP-DD 8x100Gbps transceiver module can be used for 800 Gigabit Ethernet connections over 500m of single-mode fiber. The module includes eight parallel channels with a central wavelength of 1310nm, and the operating rate of each channel is 106.25Gbps. 

400G 1~30m QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable

400G 1~30m QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable

400G 1~30m QSFP-DD Active Optical Cable

Product Description
F-tone Networks’s QSFP-DD AOC is designed for use in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links over 30m MMF. Each end of the AOC module has 8 independent electrical input/output channels operating at 53.125Gbps per channel. It consists of two transmitter/receiver units, with each operating on 850nm wavelength. 

400G 2km QSFP-DD FR4 Optical Transceiver

400G 2km QSFP-DD FR4 Optical Transceiver

400G 2km QSFP-DD FR4 Optical Transceiver

FTQD-4H-FR4 transceiver is designed for use in 400Gb/s network applications, the maximum transmission distance is 2km. FTQD-4H-FR4 is a fully integrated optical transceiver modulated using 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) format that transmits and receives optical signals with aggregated data rate of 425Gbps over 4 lanes on CWDM wavelength grids each running at 106.25Gbps.

400G 2km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 2km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 2km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

Product Description
F-tone Networks’s QSFP-DD 4*100Gbps transceiver module is designed for optical communication applications in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links over 2km single mode fiber. This product converts 8 channels of 50Gbps (PAM4) electrical input data to 4 channels of 100Gbps (PAM4) CWDM optical signals.

400G 480km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 480km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

400G 480km QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver

Product Description
F-tone Networks’s QSFP-DD 400Gbps transceiver module is designed for optical communication applications in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links up to 480km single mode fiber. This product converts 8 channels of 50 Gbps (PAM4) electrical input data to single channel of 400Gbps (DP-16QAM) coherent optical signals. 

[12 3 4  >>  
全国产化光 ? CFP2光 ? JYSK光纤连接器 思科光 ? Marconi光 ? Test Equipment & Others 光纤法兰适配器
SFP全国产光 ? CFP4光 ? J599III电连接器 思科FE SFP 博达光 ? 保偏光器件 光纤跳线&尾纤
1x9全国产光 ? CFP8 400Gbps S6矩形连接器 思科SFP+光 ? 网件光 ? In-line Depolarizer FTTA拉远基站光纤跳线
特种光 ? CDFP 400Gbps S7矩形连接器 思科XFP光 ? Nortel光 ? In-line Polarizer MPO/MTP高密度系列
25G~400G高速光 ? MicroQSFP光 ? GYM光纤连接器 思科CFP光 ? Moxa光 ? IPBC/S 军用野战防水光纤跳线
200km超长距光 ? DSFP光 ? J599III光纤连接器 思科QSFP-DD 光 ? ?低视HIKVISION光 ? PBC/S 特种光纤光缆
5G移动通信光 ? FT-61光 ? 水密光缆连接器 思科QSFP+光 ? McAfee光 ? PM BPF 特种线缆组件
SFP光 ? OLT光 ? 光纤连接器转接器 思科GE SFP SMC智邦光 ? PM Circulator 通用光缆光纤跳线
1.25G SFP ONU光 ? FT-A4系列连接器 思科SFP OC3 安华高Avago光 ? PM Collimator MXC? 多芯光缆组件
CWDM SFP PLCC光 ? USB光纤延长线 思科SFP OC12 安华高Avago 1x9光 ? PM Coupler PRIZM? LIGHTTURN?组件
DWDM SFP RJ光 ? HDMI 思科SFP OC48 安华高Avago SFF光 ? PM CWDM 光纤机箱
BIDI-SFP SFF光 ? 特种电连接器 思科GBIC光 ? 安华高Avago SFP光 ? PM DWDM SMA-特殊纤芯系列
SGMII SFP SNAP12光 ? 圆形连接器 思科X2光 ? 安华高Avago QSFP28 光 ? PM Faraday mirror 特殊接头系列
Video SFP光 ? USOT光 ? 矩形电连接器 思科XENPAK光 ? 安华高Avago QSFP+光 ? PM Fiber mirror 铠装系列
Copper SFP X2光 ? 特种光纤光缆 华三光 ? 安华高Avago SNAP12光 ? PM Filter Coupler 光耦合器Coupler
低功耗SFP Xenpak光 ? 特种光纤 华三SFP 安华高Avago 其他光 ? PM Fused Coupler 皮纤跳线系列
SFP+光 ? 光电编码器 ? 光纤器件 华三SFP+ 安华高 Embedded光 ? PM FWDM 大芯数系列
CWDM SFP+ 光 ?椴馐园 特种光缆及光缆组件 华三SFP28 光 ? 安华高Fiber Optics光 ? PM Isolator 回路跳线系列
DWDM SFP+ 光 ?榱幼 光藕 华三QSFP+光 ? Industrial Transmitters and Receivers PM Isolator WDM 保偏光纤系列
BIDI SFP+ DAC 高速线缆 标准光耦 华三QSFP28 光 ? Optical Transceivers PM PLC 光通信组件
Tunable SFP+ 光纤滑环|光电滑环 SMA测试线缆 华三 CFP光 ? 飞通光 ? PM Tap Isolator 光隔离器isolator
16GFC SFP+ 光缆车 OSA 华三 CXP光 ? Finisar光 ? PM Tap Isolator WDM 其它光器件
25GE SFP+ 军品级DIN光 ? PON BOSA 华三 CX4高速电缆 菲尼萨Finisar SFF光 ? PM VOA 可调滤波器
32GFC SFP+ 塑料光纤 ? Pigtailed PD 华三XFP yellobrik SDI光 ? 其它保偏器件 可调衰减器
SFP28光 ? 替换安华高工业电力光 ? RFoG BOSA 华三GE SFP 罗克韦尔AB光 ? 光分路器 拉锥耦合器
SFP56光 ? 兼容国产化替换安华高光耦 TO-CAN 华三FE SFP 罗杰康光 ? FBT拉锥分路器 无源光器件
SFP-DD光 ? 射频光 ? 光纤温度传感器 华三SFP STM-4 研华Advantech光 ? PLC 光分路器 法拉第旋转镜
QSFP光 ? 微型多路光 ? 光纤应变传感器 华三SFP STM-16 全国产化光器件 PLC平面波导光分路器 波分复用器
QSFP+ 光 ? 特种光 ? 光纤加速度传感器 华三GBIC光 ? FT-XS系列 国产化半导体光放大器 光开关 AWG DWDM波分复用器
QSFP28光 ? HPC并行光 ? 光线压力传感器 华三BIDI光 ? 光纤阵列系列 探测器 Fused WDM波分复用器
QSFP56光 ? LC-RJ超小型单路光 ? 光纤位移传感器 华三XENPAK光 ? 高速 ?槲⒘ 光功率计 FWDM波分复用器
QSFP112 400G光 ? LCC48光 ? 光纤应力传感器 华三EPON OLT SFP 相干通讯光连接 全光纤相位拉伸器 Mini微型粗波分复用器
QSFP224光 ? LC超短型光 ? 光纤传感剖析仪 中航光电光 ? 硅光子器件光链接 光纤准直器 光分插复用器
QSFP-DD光 ? SNAP12光 ? 光纤漫衍式测温主机 中兴光 ? Bio-Medical Equipment 光衰减器系列 其它种类波分复用器产品系列
QSFP-DD800光 ? 微型光 ? 光纤布里渊信号解调仪 锐捷光 ? Components for Fiber Laser 光偏振控制器 密集波分复用器
OSFP 400Gbps 微型可插拔BGA光 ? 漫衍式光纤声振信号解调仪 惠普光 ? Components for Fiber sensing 光源 粗波分复用器
OSFP 800G光 ? 表贴式单路光 ? Camera Link 神州数码光 ? Components for Optical Network 光环行器Circulator WDM ?
OSFP 1.6T光 ? 特种光纤连接器 光 ?橹 Juniper光 ? EDFA光纤放大器 光纤延迟线 滤波器
HSFP 1.6T~12.8T光 ? J599光纤插头插座 华为光 ? Extreme光 ? 光纤传感器 色散赔偿 ? 蝶形激光器
XFP光 ? ODC光纤连接器系列 华为GE SFP Brocade光 ? High power Component 光纤放大器 光耦合器&分路器
CWDM XFP 其他特种光纤连接器 华为QSFP+光 ? D-Link光 ? HP In-line Polarizer 无源传输转换器 光纤环形器&法拉第旋转镜
DWDM XFP 野战光纤连接器 华为SFP+ 赫思曼光 ? HP Isolator 光纤激光器 光纤隔离器&波分复用器
BIDI XFP 特种光电连接器 华为QSFP28 阿尔卡特朗讯光 ? HP PBC/S 光调制器 光纤分束器&合束器(PBS/PBC)
1x9光 ? J599III崎岖频混装连接器 华为FE SFP Allied Telesis光 ? Pump Combiner 光电探测器 光纤光栅
CSFP光 ? NGC光纤连接器 华为XFP Foundry光 ? HP Circulator 光纤偏振 高速线缆
CSFP+10G光 ? J599A6光纤连接器 华为SFP OC12 Force10光 ? Pump laser protector 光纤滤波器
CXP光 ? GYMB光纤连接器 华为GBIC光 ? Blade光 ? Hybrid for EDFA 同轴激光器
CFP光 ? J599III光电连接器 华为SFP STM16 Linksys光 ? Test Equipment & Others 同轴电缆

028-85255257 | sales@f-tone.com

标准协议光 ?椴

兼容协议光 ?



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